God’s spirit is alive and moving within Peletier First Missionary Baptist Church!

Proverbs 29:18 states, “Where there is no vision, the people perish;
but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.”

Having a vision and a mission is essential for any church to effectively reach out to the community with the Gospel message. But how do we begin? A good starting place is to prayerfully reflect on three basic questions: Why do we exist as a church? What is the vision God has placed on our hearts? What is our mission as God’s church in our local community? 

PFMBC exists for this sole purpose: to fulfill the Great Commission given in Matthew 28:18–20.

As a church, we are called to go out into the world with the authority of the risen Christ and make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to follow Jesus until He returns, while giving all to the glory of God.

PFMBC has a vision to be a thriving body of believers, to be Christ-centered in our actions, to be a biblical teaching church, and to be a spiritual oasis within the community of Peletier.

PFMBC has a mission “to know Christ and to make Him known” by making and equipping disciples, addressing spiritual and physical needs within our community, and standing as a beacon of hope across Carteret County, the state, and beyond.

In moving forward with this mission, how should we focus as a church?

We should focus on prayer. 

  • Pray for our church as we move in this new direction
  • Pray for our church leadership as we discern God’s guidance
  • Pray for our church to impact the community with the Gospel message

We should focus outwardly.

  • Seek out ways to share the Gospel in our daily interactions
  • Seek out ways to meet the needs of the community in a manner that points to Christ
  • Seek out ways to invite people to join us in this mission

We should focus inwardly.

  • Exercise our personal spiritual disciplines: prayer, scripture reading, and devotions
  • Seek ways to participate in the life of the church 

As a church, if we focus on these three areas, the Lord will enable and equip us in carrying out the mission we are called to do: “to know Christ, and to make Him known”!

Blessings to each of you as you find ways to support what God is doing at PFMBC!

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